
Experience an array of exhilarating activities at our gymnastic centre's diverse camps! From the high-flying world of gymnastics to the exciting discipline of parkour, your child will explore new skills and build confidence. Our camps also feature engaging creative games, vibrant dance sessions, and artistic adventures in arts and crafts.

Join us during Diwali, Christmas, Spring, Summer, and more, for unforgettable camp experiences filled with fun, learning, and friendships that last a lifetime.


Leap Gymnastics proudly hosts the prestigious Club Level Invitational event, attracting clubs from all corners of India to Leap and excel. With top-notch facilities and expert judges, this exhilarating competition provides a platform for gymnasts to display their skills, passion, and dedication. Join us for a thrilling celebration of gymnastics excellence that unites some of India’s finest clubs under one roof.


At Leap Gymnastics, we celebrate the incredible progress of our gymnasts at the end of each term with our spectacular showcases! Witness the culmination of hard work and dedication as our students from every class category take center stage to perform their extraordinary routines. From the graceful movements of our preschool class to the awe-inspiring skills of our advanced gymnasts, these showcases are a true testament to their growth and achievements. Join us in applauding their accomplishments and be inspired by their remarkable performances.

Birthday Parties

We combine fun, fitness, and excitement. Imagine your child and their friends flipping, jumping, and swinging through a fantastic assortment of gymnastics equipment under the guidance of our skilled instructors. With supervised gymnastics activities, parkour and engaging activities, we ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants.

Book a child’s birthday party at Leap today and watch smiles and laughter soar to new heights!