If you’ve got questions,
we’ve got answers.

Benefits of Gymnastics

What can gymnastics do for my child?

When it comes to physical and mental wellbeing, gymnastics goes both ways. It can help your child become more physically active and agile by focusing on their strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. Additionally, through taking turns and following directions, it also teaches them to be patient and to persevere.

Is gymnastics safe for my child?

Just like any other sport, gymnastics is safe with proper instruction and equipment. Therefore, at Leap, all our programmes are taught by experienced local and international coaches. We also source all our equipment from Taishan Sports, a global trend-setter for gymnastics equipment. And because all physical activity inherently involves a risk of injury, our focus will be on perfecting your child’s basics before progressing them to advanced gymnastics.

Programmes at Leap

Why Leap Gymnastics?

Because, in addition to offering world-class coaches and equipment, we nurture an affinity for the sport. We do so by focusing on each student and their training needs through smaller coach-to-student ratios. This way, all our gymnasts remain constantly engaged and active.

How old does my child need to be to start training?

Your child can start as soon as they’re walking. We teach gymnastics to children as young as eighteen months old! By navigating through obstacles with parents or trusted adults, we help children develop strength, balance, coordination, and other basic gymnastics skills.

If my child is new and joining gymnastics
for the first time, where do they start?

Below are guidelines:
18 months - Explorers
3 years - Flippers
4 years - Step 1
5 years - Step 2
6 years - Step 3

Step 3 will be divided by age. There will be a class for 6 to 8 year olds and another class for 9 to 12 year olds.

Who will be coaching my child?

At Leap, your kids will be coached by highly qualified and experienced gymnastics instructors. Our coaching team comprises certified professionals who have a deep understanding of gymnastics techniques, safety protocols, and age-appropriate training methods. We prioritize the well-being and skill development of each child, ensuring they receive expert guidance and support throughout their gymnastics journey.

What are the benefits of the Progressive Pathway Program?

The Progressive Pathway Program is a systematically designed structured pathway for children to progress safely in a gradual manner. Similar to Taekwondo or Karate, Gymnastics is a sport that requires one to build skills progressively. This program ensures that our gymnasts build strong foundations and fundamentals in the sport.

How often should my child train?

There is no restriction on the number of times your child can come in. The recommendations made are the minimum requirement as per our Pathway Program Guide. The more you come in, the faster your child may progress through these steps.

How does my child progress from one step to another?

Every 10 weeks the coaches at Leap will assess the gymnasts. This will be an ongoing assessment during classes. At the end of 10 weeks, parents will receive a progress report that will communicate the skills children have mastered and those they still need to learn. Depending on each child’s progress, recommendations will be made to move to the next step. Please note, each child develops differently, some will go through the steps faster than others. However, pace here counts for little.

My child is meeting the skill level, why is my child on a lower step?

Our Steps progressions are designed based on a number of different parameters that children need to learn in order to build strong fundamentals in the sport such as skills, rotations, acrobatics, swings, and most importantly strength & conditioning. If a child meets the skill level but does not meet the other criteria set for a particular step, he/ she will continue in the same step. This is to ensure that the child is able to build the required foundation necessary for the development of further skills in the next step.

My child has been doing gymnastics at another center.
How do I know what step my child will be at?

Please contact the admin and they will fix a time for you to come in and do an assessment so that your child can be placed correctly.

I want my child to compete - how will my child be able to compete?

From our Steps program, gymnasts will progress into our competitive Squad program after they have passed Step 6. Gymnasts must have progressed from the Steps stream, or have prior competitive gymnastics experience at a similar level to join our Squad. Leap will also be organizing internal competitions for the kids to compete in.

My child wants to do gymnastics for fun and not compete.
What should I do?

That’s amazing! Gymnastics is an amazing sport to build fitness levels. Once your child completes Step 6, they may choose to stay on and continue in this level. We will also be introducing more steps as kids keep progressing.

Since the children will be moving from one step to another step midterm will their timings change?

Keeping in mind the schedule of children, we will put our best effort to ensure that children can continue in the same time slots. However, in case our slots are filled up, options will be shared with parents based on availability.

Can a student change class timings?

If you wish to change the day and/or time of your child's class, you may speak to our administration team. While our team will put their best effort to accommodate your request, the change will be subject to availability. Note that we can't guarantee your child will get the same instructor.

Payment Policies

What is the make-up policy at Leap?

We understand that participants may miss class on occasion for various reasons. The Leap team must be notified via email at least 24 hours prior to the class that the gymnast will not be attending in order to be eligible to receive a make-up. The Leap team will inform parents about different slots that are available. Classes may be made up during the current term only. Gymnastics make-ups may only be scheduled at the same level. A child is eligible for one make-up class per month. In the case of exceptional medical circumstances, the coaches may consider allowing additional make-up classes upon the submission of a doctor’s certificate.

What is the refund policy?

We do not provide refunds unless in the case of exceptional medical circumstances that inhibit your child from continuing to participate in gymnastics. We will require a certificate from a medical practitioner as proof of the condition. If the medical condition is temporary, we will freeze your child’s remaining sessions and he/she may continue once recovered. If you are eligible for a refund, please allow our team 30 business days to process it.

Can payments, sessions or make-ups be carried forward to the next term?

We do not carry forward payments, sessions or make-ups to the following term.

Our programmes

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Greatness is a hop,
skip, handspring away.

Initiated by JSW